Tuesday 9 July 2013

Misfortune.gb - 11 Uncommon Things

1.Misfortunes Game Over music alone does not cause suicide. However, it does cause minor physical and mental sickness due to a very subliminal binaural sound embedded into the track. However: Playing the game, as a whole can cause more drastic effects due to several pieces of weird music in the game, strange imagery and macabre message within. As most people know the game features a demonic sprite which is meant to be The Devil, which is very dark for a Nintendo title and consider also that many children played the Game Boy. Imagery such as The Devil along with all these other dark themes would be highly damaging to some children.

2.Misfortune (The Creepypasta) is said to be in Pokemon Red, Link's Awakening, Spud's Adventure, Puchi Carat and Atelier Marie. HOWEVER people seem to miss the fact that it states that those are only the "known" games. Many people have stated they have discovered it in completely different games, ranging from Pokemon Yellow to Final Fantasy Adventure to even a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game!

3.Misfortune has a lot more to it that what leaked screenshots have shown. According to some claims, there are a bunch of cryptic messages that have lead some people to debate what they could mean: For example, the graveyard area that has the sign that reads ""They didn't quite make it". Some people say those graves and the sign represent the developers of the game that died during its creation. Others have suggested that each grave is a player who failed at misfortune and died in the real world. In some parts of Misfortune, people have claimed that some levels are in-completable such as keys to doors being "behind" the door that requires it or a key being out of reach no matter what you try. What they don't often mention however, or maybe they just don't realize it, is that each puzzle is just that; a puzzle. Some players have claimed that rooms that appear impossible to begin with are actually either red herrings or contain walls that aren't really there, and allow the little boy you play as to walk through walls.

4.The little boy you play as in Misfortune is often named "a Pokemon NPC". But, according to some obscure sources, Misfortune is accessible from Pokemon when talking to the "Boy who has a girlfriend" NPC which... lo and behold... looks EXACTLY like the kid you play as in Misfortune. Yes, I think you know where this is going. These obscure claims suggest that the "boy who has a girlfriend" is the boy you are playing as in Misfortune.gb.

5.Misfortune is said to be discovered not only in Game Boy games, but also Game Boy Color games. And nobody seems to have asked the big question; does Misfortune show up in COLOR on the color version!? Hey, I don't know either.

6.Not surprisingly, most people believe that Misfortune, when discovered, runs the same way as the rest of the game it was discovered on. But it does NOT. It's slow, choppy, it freezes while you're walking sometimes for a second and it feels like its going to crash the cartridge. With that said, however, it never seems to crash. A second of freezing here and there but it doesn't actually crash. I've seen at least 5 claims that the game plays choppy and slow at times even though it was fine other times.

7.Apparently, time does not exist in Misfortune.gb. Water does not move, flames do not flicker and time is just generally at a standstill. People who have made it out of Misfortune with success at the game have said their games total play time hasn't changed at all from the moment they entered it. It's rumored that Misfortune.gb and The Devil's castle are located in another dimension, beyond time and space. Hell?

8.The Misfortune legend actually dates back a lot longer than originally thought. The earliest mentions of it can be found online if you research long enough. The earliest date I discovered personally, was 2001, meaning that although Misfortune.gb hasn't been mentioned as much as other gaming legends such as Sonic.exe, Lavender Town or MARIO, it was probably around quite a bit longer.

9.People have often asked if Misfortune is real. Some have even contacted Nintendo and asked them personally, to which they have failed to get a satisfying response. Nintendo themselves have pretty much said that "they don't know" if they made it or not. Apparently, Nintendo never used to keep records of their games. Well that may be true, but if I was part of a company that made something like this... I honestly don't see how I could forget. You're either a new recruit or someone is hiding something...

10.A few very obscure claims out there suggest that the little boy you play as is not completely unarmed and have stated that he carries a pocket knife for defense. While I can't actually find any evidence of this, the people that claimed he has one also said that it has absolutely no effect on The Devil, having tried it when being pursed in the levels where they are being chased. What it's actually for then is unclear.

11.Finally, the game Misfortune has no actual official name. At least not to our knowledge. It's believe that the name Misfortune.gb was given to the game by those who happen to find it. Personally, I would have called it WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU NINTENDO.gb but maybe that's just me. None the less, I hope this was an interesting read to people. I'm all about creepy shit in gaming so expect to see a lot more articles on this subject. PEEAACCEE.